


Johanfredo21 - Have you ever wondered what to say when you meet a date for the first time?

You have just been introduced to this figure and at first it was very strong for ground coffee.

But when you meet face to face, your brain seems to freeze! Meetings that should be fun instead become so awkward.

However you feel messed up and consider yourself stupid, this condition is something that is normal for someone to experience. Because basically you just feel awkward.

However, if you are not free from awkwardness, it will be difficult for you to get a profitable deal.

Even so in social life, awkwardness can keep you from your soul mate and new friends.

Therefore, let's learn 10 ways to meet new people without the following awkwardness:

1. Just Relax

The awkward feeling when getting acquainted with people is actually the effect of the tension that is felt within.

Therefore, try to make yourself more relaxed.

Before meeting, for example, you take in and out deep breaths.

Meanwhile instill in the mind that you will meet a fun figure.

This will make you less nervous. Of course, it takes practice several times until you can master this technique.

2. Stop prejudice

Admit it, some of you get awkward when meeting new people because you think badly of them (suudzon).

For example, you are afraid of being ridiculed, criticized, or thought ridiculous.

Fears like this are generally owned by those who are low self-esteem. They become insecure and think others will insult them.

As a result they become uncomfortable and have difficulty interacting flexibly.

For example, you are a teenager from a remote village in Java. One day, you are introduced to a distant cousin from Jakarta.

Before meeting him, you were already suudzon that he would make fun of your medok accent.

As a result, you become very silent in the meeting.

If you have this problem, remember that the fear is only in your head.

In essence, most people will be kind to others. Especially when they just met.

3. Prepare Chat Material

If your meeting with new people is planned, there's nothing wrong with preparing chat material first.

In a way, preparation like this will make you more relaxed when you meet new people.

There are so many chat materials that can be raised. You can start asking about the person's identity to the city where he lives.

Then, steer the conversation to more individual subjects, such as your acquaintance's family.

If possible, do a little research on the acquaintance.

Find out what his hobbies, dislikes, and political affiliations are. Research like this is crucial when you are meeting for business purposes.

By doing a little research, you can avoid subjects that acquaintances hate.

So, you can avoid situations that get stiff and manage to make deals that benefit the company.

4. Offer Snacks and Drinks

Come on, take out the snacks and drinks you have.

The existence of these snacks will more or less reduce the awkwardness when you first meet.

Yes, after introducing each other's names, you can first offer a snack as an "ice breaker".

After that, you can comment on the snack and then continue with other, more interesting conversations.

5. Stop Playing Cellphones

Trust me, fiddling with your phone in the first meeting only makes the situation worse.

Some of you may feel strange with this opinion. Isn't the cellphone actually a shield when you start to feel awkward?

The answer is correct. Cell phones can indeed be used as shields.

However, he will not eliminate your awkwardness at all. Precisely, the longer, you will make the atmosphere more rigid.

So put down your phone. Chat with that person.

As time goes by, the conversation will definitely get more exciting so that you and your acquaintances can both escape the mask of evilness.

6. Joke with Standard

Humor is actually an ideal icebreaker. Because laughter will flow dopamine compounds in the brain.

When that happens, you and your acquaintance will feel more comfortable interacting.

So if you have a sense of humor, then be as good at it as you can.

But if you are not talented at being funny, you should cancel your intention. Don't force yourself to be funny when you meet new people.

Because humor that fails will make the situation even more awkward.

In fact, it is not impossible that your acquaintances will be confused by what you mean.

If that's the case, you'll be ashamed of yourself.

7. Don't Judge

Don't judge people you just met.

Especially if you make superficial judgments on material things.

For example, you've just been introduced to the child of your parents' old friend.

The acquaintance comes from a family that is not as wealthy as yours. It's a joke he didn't go to higher education like you.

This gap makes you silent to judge him.

As a result, the meeting that should have gone well turned out to be very cold. Over time you become awkward yourself because of an uncomfortable situation.

If you have this, who can be blamed except yourself?

So, stop the habit of judging. After all, you do not know what will happen to you and that person in the future.

8. Tolerant and Friendly Smile

If you're not good at chatting, actually you can handle it with a smile.

Yes, right. A genuine smile will make the atmosphere less cold.

Just let the new acquaintance dominate the meeting with long chats.

Those of you who are not good at talking, especially with new people, just respond in a friendly and polite manner. Or, just give a simple response.

Your acquaintances will feel comfortable and appreciate your attitude.

And at least, you will be known as a good listener and can respect others.

9. Invite Other Friends

Inviting other friends is a fairly effective way to reduce the awkwardness of meeting new people.

Especially if your friend is a sociable person and can break the ice.

For example, you were appointed as the school's representative in a singing contest.

Your expert decides to pair you up with another student for a duet.

In fact, the student is very popular at school. He is handsome and loved by students. Even you joke had nge-fans with him.

Well, rather than the first meeting falling apart, there's nothing wrong with asking a friend to accompany you.

So if you're nervous, at least you have a friend you can start chatting with.

10. Keep practicing

Last but not least, don't forget to keep practicing so you don't feel awkward when you meet new people for the first time.

So, if there is an opportunity to get acquainted, take the opportunity.

Because, flexibility when getting acquainted is actually one of the social skills that needs to be honed.

True, some people do have a talent for this.

But most people need to learn those social skills.

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